27.6.24: Bookings / Beginners Course Cancelled / Summer Heat

(A note from the Chairman)

The booking form is a significant tool in keeping your favorite fencing club running smoothly. It provides important information for both Health & Safety and Safeguarding, and reduces theĀ  workload for the (unpaid) committee members.

  • Please don’t leave booking your place at training to the last minute. We realise fencers have busy lives and may not always know whether they will be available, but if only 2 or 3 people have signed in by mid afternoon, the committee may well be discussing whether the whole session gets cancelled.
  • Please also only book a place if you are confident you can attend. We realise this may sometimes be at odds with the previous point, but use your judgement.
  • If you have booked and subsequently find you are unable to attend, please cancel using the booking form, rather than announcing it on the Whatsapp group.

Thank you for your co-operation

Beginners Course Cancelled
Unfortunately, we’ve had to postpone our next Beginners Course which was due to start on 04 July.
As soon as we have rescheduled a start date, details will be posted in the News and eShop.

Summer Heat
Today is forcast to be hte hottest day of the year. Please remember to drink plenty of water whilst fencing.
If you feel at all unwell or are concerned about another fencer, please so not hesitate to speak to a committee member.