Photography Policy
During club training sessions and competitions, we may take photographs or videos for the purpose of publicising the work of the club and celebrating members’ achievements. These images may be published on our website, social media accounts, or in our printed materials. By attending our training sessions, you consent that we may take images of you and publish those photographs in the manner described here. If you are the parent/guardian of a fencer under the age of 18, by allowing them to attend our training sessions you consent that we may take photographs of your child and publish those photographs in the manner described here.
Parents and fencers are free to take photos during training sessions, but please ask permission from the parents of any fencers under the age of 18 who may be included in the pictures.
Please do not post images of fencers under the age of 18 on social media.
At competitions and events, please make sure you are aware of any rules about photography imposed by the organisers.